Saturday, December 9, 2017

Finals Season, 3 Weeks Epi Free & IVIG Update

I can't believe it is already the end of the semester! These past couple of weeks really flew by. But, I am happy to report that I am officially done with classes for my second to last semester of college! I have 2 finals-- one on Monday, one on Tuesday, then I'm done! All of my other final papers and assignments are turned in, with the exception of one that just needs to be fine tuned. I have also been doing my online tutoring when I am able to as well. To be totally honest, I am still pleasantly surprised with how things have worked out academically this semester (but granted, I did put a LOT of effort in too).

I have been having to "hide" at school a lot this week. We are about 30 miles away from the closest fire, but the air quality is awful. Also, everyone seems to be sick, which is really not an option for me. I don't see or smell smoke at school, but I tried to go without wearing my mask, and boy, did I feel it. Yesterday (Friday) and today (Saturday), I tried to go without the mast on my limited excursions outside, but still was having some trouble. My parents' house has been more affected, as they are pretty close to multiple fires, but luckily, far enough away that nothing was at risk. And I'm sure my brother enjoyed the time off school.

My school is on the semester system, so I will have a month off-- a nice break. Nothing too exciting is planned, but I would like to try to make a trip back up to Northern California at some point during the break.

I double checked my calendar, ant it has been three weeks since I last had to use an EpiPen! That may  not sound like a lot, considering most EpiPen users don't have to use them (or have to rarely), but for me, that is the most time I have gone without having to use it in the last 5-6 months or so. That isn't to say that things haven't been rough physically, and I still have reaction symptoms daily, but the fact that it hasn't escalated to that point is great.

Now, for figuring out why my reactions have not escalated, so I can keep the trend going for as long as possible---- could be a fluke, or could potentially be the IVIG that I received at Children's. I thought I remember my doctor saying that the IVIG would take a few treatments to see if it is working, so I don't know if it is even possible that it is the reason why I haven't had to use the EpiPen. But in the mean time, I'll take it and not question what the source may be.

As I discussed in my last post, getting insurance coverage for IVIG, particularly when it is not being used in a "traditional" way, can be a challenge. This is especially true for me, as I have a separate immunodeficiency which can increase the risk of anaphylaxis to blood products (more info about it here). My body doesn't produce the antibody igA. Since IVIG is a blood product, it contains igA. The type that I received in the hospital either had low or no igA to minimize the likelihood of reaction. My insurance approved IVIG, but not the lower/no igA version-- I have to try the other version first.

To minimize the likelihood of a reaction, they are going to run it very slowly over the course of two days, for 6 hours each day, at an infusion center closer to my parent's house. I will also be given some additional medications before and during the treatment. It was not a particularly pleasant experience last time, even with the low/no igA version, so I am not looking forward to it, but I know that it will help in the long run. I have been told that it is pretty typical for IVIG to be somewhat uncomfortable. And, I always remind myself that it could be a LOT worse. I plan to distract myself by cramming for the GRE, which I am taking the following Monday, and maybe catching up a little bit on my favorite fall TV shows. And maybe binge watching some new shows too :)

I have started submitting grad school apps, which also feels so weird! I still don't know if I want to go right away, or work for a bit first, but I want to keep my options open. I'll start looking for job opportunities in the early Spring as well. Now I should probably stop procrastinating and get back to studying....

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